Reimagine Objects
Activity Summary
Students are asked to reimagine certain objects by combining / changing / repurposing them into something new. Students are encouraged to use their imaginations, there are not limits!
Activity Plan
2 min
Each student should have a piece of paper (A4) and a pen/pencil. Students are asked to draw the objects and template outlined in the “Additional Resources” section (or you can provide each student with a printout of the template with the objects).
5 min
Students must connect objects within the grid by drawing “transition” objects in the empty boxes. The added drawings must form a reasoned connection between the two original objects.
They can make as many attempts as they can within 5 minutes.
3 min
Show them off! Students work in groups to discuss the following questions:
- How was that? Challenging? Easy?
- Did anyone connect all the different objects?
- Did anyone think outside the box?
5 min
One student from each group can give feedback to the teacher/class to summarise/evaluate the group’s results. The teacher and students have the opportunity to reflect and discuss the activity and its effectiveness (e.g., activate creative thinking).
Tips & Tricks
- This is a creativity warm-up exercise; its purpose is to encourage ‘outside the box’ thinking and to help students get into a creative mindset.
- It can be used as a ‘hook’ at the beginning of a lesson or as creative break during a lesson if students are becoming disengaged or tired.
- Activity can be adapted so that students can work in pairs or groups
- This exercise forces your brain to make visual links that you wouldn’t otherwise see.
- By pushing you outside their comfort zones, your students will be more likely to make creative connections in real life.
Additional Resources

Example of objects and templates students should draw on A4 sheet.